Intermittent rains occurred recently in Taichung City. The Health Bureau, Taichung City Government stated that containers are easily flooded after rain, creating an environment that vectors breed and causing vector density to increase. Since it is the contagious season of Dengue fever, Health Bureau calls on citizens to “inspect, invert, clean and rub” containers immediately after the rain. “Inspect” is to check one’s surrounding environment. “Invert” is to place unused containers upside-down. “...
- 12~23 °C Mon Jan.20.2025
- Air Quality
- Water Quality
- Current UV
24-Hour Hotline
- Citizen Service Hotline 1999
- The Health Bureau called for the implementation of the five steps of handwashing to prevent enterovirus.
- Drug abuse prevention center of Taichung City Government
- 【Health educational Information】 Free relief hotline
- Prenatal checkup subsidy for new immigrant pregnant women who are not covered by National Health Insurance
- Long-Term Care Plan 2.0
- The targeted group for four kinds of cancer screening subsidies